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«"Ed's ability to capture the attention of 4,000 youth and young adults from the first words of his message was incredible.  He is an astounding story teller, and as he speaks you feel as if you were right there with him in the stories.  He is a genuine, authentic, relatable, and an inspirational individual who will help take your event to the next level."  - A. Olson - Director of Desperation Conference»

«Light-hearted and serious. Transparent and deep. Playful, creative, and full of life. These words describe Ed Eason in life and when he shares his story...

       - Wes Yoder, Author of "Bond of Brothers"

«“His stories and lessons will inspire and encourage any audience, as they did ours.” John Sowers – The Place Conference – Author and CEO, The Mentoring Project»

«“Ed Eason isn’t just a great communicator but a masterful story-teller. Ed displays a transparent and honest quality that has universal essences allowing him to connect with any audience.” David Martin – I Am Second – Youth and Culture Strategist»


"Ed can make a room filled with thousands of people feel like each person is his best friend. The lessons Ed has learned in life and the way he communicates them to others is both practical and powerful. His humility, honesty, and humor connect with people from different backgrounds and everyone walks away feeling like they've known Ed for a lifetime." Jon Weece - Lead Pastor - Southland Christian Church    

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